
Homebrew vs macports 2017
Homebrew vs macports 2017

homebrew vs macports 2017
  1. #Homebrew vs macports 2017 install#
  2. #Homebrew vs macports 2017 download#

Ipython wouldn’t run, failing with the message: They’re also a top Google result for searches on installing Python using Homebrew, so I’ll post a problem I had and how I resolved it, in case anyone following these instructions has a similar problem. These instructions are straightforward and quite helpful. If there are no errors then you’re ready to get started! Congratulations and enjoy! The most basic test you can do to make sure everything worked is open up an IPython session and type in the following: import numpy

#Homebrew vs macports 2017 install#

Pandas should install via pip: pip install pandas You’ll want Notebook support with IPython and that requires some extra dependencies, including ZeroMQ via brew: brew install zeromq Matplotlib generally installs just fine via pip but the custom Homebrew formula takes care of installing optional dependencies too: brew install matplotlib Compiling OpenBLAS requires gfortran, which you can get via Homebrew: brew install gfortranĪnd then you’re ready for SciPy: brew install scipy -with-openblas I compile NumPy against OpenBLAS to avoid a SciPy issue. To use pip to install nose: pip install nose With those repos tapped you can almost install NumPy, but first you’ll have You can learn more about these at their respective repositories:

homebrew vs macports 2017

The recipe isn’t included in stock Homebrew though, it requires “tapping” two other sources of Homebrew formula: brew tap homebrew/science It is possible to use pip to install NumPy, but I use a Homebrew recipe so I avoid some problems with SciPy. (It’s also possible to install Python 3 using Homebrew: brew install python3.) NumPy Now you can use brew to install Python: brew install pythonĪfterwards you should be able to run the commands which pythonįor each, respectively. bashrc file: export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/share/python:$PATHĪt this point you should close your terminal and open a new one so that this PATH setting is in effect for the rest of the installation. As long as you’re at it, you can also add the directory where Python scripts get installed. The brew command and any executables it installs will go in the directory /usr/bin/local so you want to make sure that goes at the front of your system’s PATH. To install Homebrew paste the following in a terminal: ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL )" It builds packages from source, intelligently re-uses libraries that are already part of OS X, and encourages best practices like installing Python packages with pip. Homebrew is my favorite package manager for OS X.

homebrew vs macports 2017

If you’ve installed Xcode on Snow Leopard then you already have the command line tools. If you’ve already installed Xcode on Lion or Mountain Lion then you can install the command line tools from the preferences.

#Homebrew vs macports 2017 download#

Head over to /downloads, register for a free account, and download (then install) the latest “Command Line Tools for Xcode” for your version of OS X. These include important things like development headers, gcc, and git.

homebrew vs macports 2017

The first order of business is to install the Apple command line tools. If you need other libraries they can most likely be installed via pip and any dependencies can probably be installed via Homebrew. I’ll show how I install Python and the basic scientific Python stack: I do this because Homebrew makes it easier to compile these with non-standard options that work around an issue with SciPy on OS X. These instructions differ from my previous set primarily in that I now use Homebrew to install NumPy, SciPy, and matplotlib. I’m running the latest OS X Mountain Lion (10.8) but I think these instructions should work back to Snow Leopard (10.6). You can always check the Install Python page for other installation options. These instructions detail how I install the scientific Python stack on my Mac. Setting the State of a Postgres Sequence.

Homebrew vs macports 2017